Revitalize your Face
The delicate skin of the face is vulnerable to lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. With age, the smooth, youthful jawline and neckline begins to sag. The first signs of aging often occur in areas that make the first impression, such as the jawline and neck. Despite being part of growing older, it can be frustrating to develop jowls along the jawline or a waddle under the chin, along the neckline. The time tested, start-of-the-art treatment to reverse the signs of aging along the jawline and neckline is a lifting and tightening procedure, the facelift or rhytidectomy.
Our highly experienced Revitalize U surgeons will help tailor your facelift to address your individualized goals. Our board-certified surgeons are committed to helping achieve your goals to let your natural-appearing, youthful self shine through. Contact Revitalize U to schedule a consultation to discuss your facelift goals today!
The Facelift Procedure
Overexposure to the sun, gravity, and aging all result in sagging of the skin and underlying tissues of the face. Every year tens of thousands of Americans undergo facelift surgery to help achieve a more youthful appearance. Facelift surgery, or a rhytidectomy, is designed to reverse facial aging by eliminating the dreaded jowls and loose neck skin, restoring your youthful jawline and neckline.
Customizing your Facelift
Why do some facelifts look so natural while others look so unnatural and pulled-appearing? A natural-appearing facelift addresses the deeper sagging layers of the face, while over-tightening the facial skin without addressing the deeper tissues can result in a tight, operated appearance. There are several types of facelift techniques that address the deep sagging facial tissues to create natural, beautiful results. Our experienced, board-certified surgeons at Revitalize U can help you decide which type of facelift is right for you to restore that natural, youthful appearance.
Anesthesia & Surgery
During your initial consultation, our board-certified surgeons will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that will maximize your comfort and results. Our facelift procedures can be performed under a spectrum of anesthetic choices, depending on your preference and the type of facelift you and your Revitalize U surgeon choose. Our anesthetic options for facelift surgery at Revitalize U range from local anesthesia to IV sedation. Your surgeon will help you choose the anesthetic choice that best fits your facelift procedure and preference.
Natural Appearing Facelift Results
Beyond appearing pulled, another common worry of potential facelift guests are incision placement and the resulting scar. A state-of-the art facelift is designed so that the incisions are hidden in the nooks and crannies of the ear. After healing, it is often difficult for another surgeon to be able to easily see the incision without close inspection. Well-designed facelift incisions leave very little evidence of surgery other than a youthful appearance. At Revitalize U we strive to give you a refreshed, natural, youthful appearance without any sign of surgery.
Recovery & Results
Our team at Revitalize U will discuss all aspects of your procedure and recovery during your consultation. It is important to plan to have a driver available to take you home following your procedure. After your facelift surgery, our team will place a cotton dressing around the neck and face, but it does not cover the central oval of your face so that you will be able to eat and see. This dressing will be removed and changed the next day to inspect your facelift surgery. The second dressing is removed on the third day following your surgery, after which you may shower. It is best to plan on taking two weeks off from work and social activities, although we recommend allowing for four weeks before attending important events such as weddings. You may begin cardio exercise two weeks following your facelift procedure, but do not start lifting weights or exercises requiring straining until three weeks. Most patients only experience minimal pain. *
Post-Operative Follow-Up
The team at Revitalize U will work with you to customize your post-operative follow-up. Typically, our team will see you the morning after your procedure to examine the surgical site and perform a dressing change. Our team will then see you again on day three to remove your dressings. We will then see you again at approximately one week following your facelift surgery. After your initial visits, our team recommends a long-term follow-up visit at four to eight weeks.
* Individual results and recovery may vary.

This 50 year-old patient wanted a treatment that would address her lower face and neck. Non-invasive treatments were discussed, but ultimately, she wanted to move forward with a face and neck lift. We were able to obtain a result that appears refreshed but also non-operated. Post-operative photograph was taken 6 weeks after surgery. Photos presented with patient consent. Results may vary. (Marc Polacco, MD)
Deciding if a Facelift is right for you?
At Revitalize U, we work closely with each guest to customize a facelift plan that is tailored to meet their needs. Our board-certified surgeons provide world-class facelift surgery. During your personalized one-on-one consultation, our team can help determine the type of facelift procedure that is right for you. To schedule your initial consultation, contact us today. We are happy to work alongside you to determine if a facelift is right for you.