Facial Skin Discoloration

Revitalize your Skin
Time and sun exposure can damage the smooth, even skin tone of youthful skin. Brown spots begin to appear over time, causing an aging skin appearance even in younger individuals. Uneven skin tone and discoloration can be a tell-tale sign of aging skin and may require significant make-up to camouflage. The dedicated team at Revitalize U can help you restore a more even skin tone through treatment options including home-applied topical medical grade creams to chemical peels or laser peels. Our experienced providers can help you determine which treatment is right to help you achieve your goals. In addition, our providers can also help you maintain your results afterwards with a variety of home topical treatments.
Facial Skin Discoloration Treatments
There are a number of variables that will help your provider determine which skin discoloration treatment is right for you. Some of these variables include the severity of your skin discoloration, your recovery expectations, and how quickly you would like to achieve your results. Meet with our experienced providers to help determine which treatment is right for you
Recovery & Results
Depending on the skin discoloration treatment you choose, recovery can vary from no downtime with return to regular activities immediately, to one to three days of recovery following your treatment. If your skin discoloration is mild, you may even be able to use one of our Revitalize U medical grade home topical treatments. You may see results after just one skin discoloration treatment but having skin discoloration treatments at regular intervals may help your skin stay even clearer and more vibrant.*
*Individual results and recovery may vary.
Deciding if a facial discoloration treatment is right for you?
A skin discoloration treatment is great to help you achieve the most vibrant version of your skin and complexion. During your personalized one-on-one consultation, our team can help determine what is right for you. To find out more about skin discoloration treatment at Revitalize U or to request a consultation, contact us today!